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Man Making Transaction

SoftTouch POS extends its flagship on-premise solution with a data center hosted cloud infrastructure.

This highly-available matrix of computer processing, storage and virtual machines drives our subscription and enterprise solutions. It’s so powerful, that SoftTouch business operations are 100% virtualized in the same environment.

What does the cloud do for
SoftTouch customers?

Cloud Services

Address auto-fill

SMS alerts & notifications

Multi-store loyalty & gift cards

SoftTouch leverages its own cloud.

SoftTouch takes business continuity very seriously, which is why we have invested so much into cloud technology.

Even in the event of catastrophic disaster, SoftTouch business operations can operate from virtually anywhere in the world on our cloud platform.

We achieve this by virtualizing our entire business productivity platform. SoftTouch can actually relocate to any facility in the world that has Internet access and maintain operations without service interruption for us or our customers.

Man Making Transaction